About Us

Nabila (Queen Calathea) & Eran (Palm Nut), are the husband and wife team behind Couple of Plants.

Couple of Plants sprouted through the joys of having their own sanctuary to call ‘home’.

The couple say:

“Bringing plants into our home has been so much more than that, it’s about bringing life and meaning into our lives.

Tending to their needy ways, individualist character and sheer beauty has given us so much joy, and in the darkest of times the strength to carry on.

Sharing the air we breathe, the water we bathe and light to nourish our souls. We wouldn’t have it any other way - We are family!”

Couple of Plant’s was founded on the tenets of being able to share with others the same joys of living with plants…

Through our little store and one plant at a time, we hope we can fill your home with life.

We are quintessentially a Couple of Plants!